Analysis Research


Milieudefensie FOE Netherlands, Walhi Friends of the Earth Indonesia

Trends and consequences of the rapid development of aviation biofuels, as shown by the impacts of jatropha cultivation on local people in Central Java The aviation sector’s response to its growing greenhouse gas emissions As climate change becomes more and more urgent, aviation’s ever-increasing contribution to greenhouse gas emissions is under scrutiny. The aviation industry has primarily responded by promoting and investing in what they see as the solution: biofuels. In Europe, the aviation industry plans to use about two million tonnes of biokerosene in 2020, representing some three percent of the kerosene used in Europe. Airline companies frame the use of biofuels as a way of decreasing fuel and CO2 costs in the future. It also gives them a green image. However, this study shows that the industry’s plans for new ‘green’ fuels are triggering effects that harm the climate, people and nature.


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