Ambassadors level informal consultation about procedural matters WG Binding treaty
Statement of the Global Campaign
Geneva, 17th of July 2018
Thank you Mr. Chairman,
I speak on behalf of CETIM, the Global Campaign to dismantle corporate power and certainly in behalf of the many victims and affected communities absent here today.
We share the interpretation that you and the majority of the states engaged in favor of the process gave about the mandate of the UN Intergovernmental Working Group on TNCs.
The question here shall not be about procedural matters but instead on the substance. If the Human Rights Council created a new mandate in 2014 by its resolution 26/9, it′s because the voluntary norms and Guidelines are limited and not efficient.
The victims and affected communities have been waiting for too long for concrete measures against human rights violations committed by TNCs and mechanisms allowing them an effective access to justice.
We, as civil society organizations, we will continue to support your efforts and the efforts of all States engaged in this process for its final success.
I thank you.