News, Press Releases

On the day of the Shareholders’ Meeting, Vale’s headquarters dawns with a memorial for the victims of Brumadinho

International Coordination of the Affected by Vale

By Daniela Fichino    The installation was made by the Alliance of People Affected by Vale, which also participates in the meeting to expose to shareholders practices of violations and mismanagement of the company.   Rio de Janeiro – The●●●

News, Press Releases

La Vía Campesina supports the National Strike for Peace with Social Justice in Colombia

La Vía Campesina

    (Harare, 25 April 2019) La Vía Campesina stands in support of the organized sectors of Colombian society mobilizing this 25th of April, in a National Peasant, Indigenous, Afro-descendent, Worker and Popular Strike. The strike is being organized to●●●

Events, News, Take action

Protest Anglo American’s AGM

London Mining Network

  Anglo American, a London-listed mining company, has caused unimaginable damage to communities and the planet through its disregard for human rights, the environmental devastation caused by its projects, and its neo-colonial policies in Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Chile, South Africa●●●

👵👩 A nos grands-mères, mères, soeurs, filles et petites-filles, cette journée est dédiée à vos combats ✊. Avec une pensée particulière pour les paysannes 👩‍🌾 et les travailleuses exploitées dans le monde entier...
📽️ A voir -


60M liters of oil leaked into the Ecuadorian Amazon by @Chevron for nearly 30 years and 30,000+ people are still seeking justice

This unchecked corporate power running rampant is yet another example of a transnational corporation using a system that guarantees its impunity🧵

As #HRC55 moves ahead following #WTOMC13AbuDhabi, let's confront the reality: transnational corporations wield immense power, often at the expense of #HumanRights

It's time to demand accountability, regulation and justice in light of their violations

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