“I mentioned the great growth in their economic power, political influence and corrupting action. That is the reason for the alarm with which world opinion should react in the face of a reality of this kind. The power of these●●●
“I mentioned the great growth in their economic power, political influence and corrupting action. That is the reason for the alarm with which world opinion should react in the face of a reality of this kind. The power of these●●●
24 September 2024 — Geneva, Quito In an urgent call for action, an adhoc alliance of international organisations representing over 300 million people worldwide have voiced strong opposition to a recent decision by the Mission of Ecuador to the●●●
Geneva, 24 September 2024 Open letter to the Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the United Nations Office and other International Organisations in Geneva, Chairpersonship of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with respect to●●●