News, Press Releases, Statements

OceanaGold must Pay Up and Pack Up from El Salvador

International Allies Against Mining in El Salvador





To: OceanaGold CEO Mick Wilkes, OceanaGold Board of Directors, and OceanaGold Shareholders


From: 280 Organizations around the World


RE: Pay Up and Pack Up from El Salvador



We, the undersigned organizations representing 180 million of people around the world, have been accompanying allied groups in El Salvador in support of their work to prevent gold mining in their communities since 2009.  That is the year when your Pac Rim Cayman subsidiary filed an unjust investor – state lawsuit with the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) against El Salvador.  It is also the same year when three anti-mining community leaders and an unborn baby were brutally murdered in northern El Salvador, in the area where your company was conducting its operations.


Over these past seven years, we have actively supported Salvadorans and their government in their fight to protect the fragile Lempa watershed, and to uphold their right to say “no” to metals mining. We have also strongly denounced this case, which has cost the poor country of El Salvador more than $13 million USD in legal fees and related expenses.


The October 2016 ICSID panel award unanimously stated that the Pac Rim Cayman suit did not have any legal merit.  Indeed, the Pac Rim Cayman vs El Salvador suit demonstrates the abuse of “investor-state” settlement provisions of international trade agreements and foreign investment laws. This case dragged on for seven years and should never have taken place.


Given this ruling, we support our allies in the Salvadoran Roundtable on Metallic Mining in demanding that:


  1. OceanaGold accept ICSID’s decision and do not seek an annulment;
  2. OceanaGold pay immediately the $8 million USD you owe to El Salvador for legal fees and expenses;
  3. OceanaGold, Minerales Torogoz, Dorado Exploraciones, and the El Dorado Foundation leave El Salvador immediately and cease the publication of paid advertisements and other misleading information on your activities in El Salvador; 
  4. OceanaGold issue a public apology to the people and government of El Salvador for the damage already caused by Pacific Rim’s exploration in northern El Salvador, the negative impacts of its ICSID suit, and the conflicts that have resulted from OceanaGold’s ongoing operation in northern El Salvador, including through the El Dorado Foundation; and
  5. With respect to the above, OceanaGold should cooperate fully in a full, impartial investigation into the murders and threats that have taken place in connection with this conflict over the years.



(Please note that we appreciate and welcome all individual endorsers, but we are only adding organisational endorsements at this stage. We will however add your name to our email lists and keep you updated on the the current and future campaigns we will be launching)




  1. Asia Pacific Research Network, Regional
  2. Center for Investigation and Documentation Chile – Regional
  3. International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
  4. Franciscans International
  5. Fundación para la Integración Latinoamericana, Regional
  6. Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP)
  7. GRAIN, International
  8. Movimiento Mesoamericano contra el Modelo extractivo Minero, Regional
  9. OXFAM
  10. The Rules Network
  11. Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Desarrollo (PIDHDD), Regional
  12. Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de América Latina (SICSAL), International 



  1. AFTINET (Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network)
  2. APHEDA Union Aid Abroad
  3. Australian Nursery and Midwifery Federation, ANMF
  4. Australia Council of Trade Unions
  5. Australia Solidarity with Latin America
  6. Australian Education Union
  7. Australian Nursing Midwifery Federation
  8. Central American Pastoral House
  10. Edmund Rice Centre (Australia)
  11. El Salvador Australia Friendship Association Inc
  12. FMLN Canberra Committee
  13. FMLN Adelaide Committee
  14. FMLN Sydney Committee
  15. Latin America Solidarity Network, LASNET 
  16. Maritime Union of Australia
  17. Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church
  18. Migrante Australia, NSW
  19. Mineral Policy Institute
  20. Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Justice and Peace Centre
  21. National Tertiary Education Union
  22. NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association
  23. Pax Christi Australia
  24. Victorian Trades Hall Council



  1. Amies de la Terre de Québec
  2. Anakbayan Toronto
  3. Atlantic Regional Solidarity Network
  4. Canada-Philipines Solidarity for Human Rights
  5. Canadian Labour Congress, CLC
  6. Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
  7. CASA Latinoamericana
  8. Caravane d’amitié Québec-Cuba, Quebec, Canada
  9. Centre de Développement Salvadorien
  10. Centre international de solidarité ouvrière (CISO)
  12. CoDevelopment Canada
  13. Committee for Human Rights in Latin America (CDHAL)
  14. COSAL
  15. Common Frontiers
  16. Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux
  17. Council of Canadians
  18. Crescent United Church
  19. Defensa del Ixofillmogen
  20. Friends of Cuba
  21. Femmes de diverses origines
  23. Horizons of Friendship
  24. Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice
  25. KAIROS Canada
  26. LatinoSoy Radio
  27. L’Entraide missionnaire
  28. Maritimes- Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network
  29. Mining Justice Action Committe (MJAC)
  30. Mining Justice Alliance
  31. Mining Injustice Solidarity Network
  32. Mining the Connections Working Group, Maritime Conference, United Church of Canada
  33. MiningWatch Canada
  34. McGill Research Group Investigating Canadian Mining in Latin America
  35. Ordo Franciscanus Secularis en Canada
  36. Organisation Québecoies de Solidarite Internationale pour les Droits Humains, Quebec, Canada
  37. Organization Quebecoises de Solidarite Internationale pour les Droits Humains (OQSIDH)
  38. People’s Health Movement Canada/Mouvement populaire pour la santé au Canada
  39. People for Peace, London
  40. Projet Accompagnement Solidarité Colombie (PASC) 
  41. Public Service Alliance of Canada
  42. Public Service Alliance of Canada Local 610
  43. Rights Action
  44. SalvAide
  45. Streams of Justice
  47. United for Mining Justice
  48. Victoria Central America Support Committee
  49. Victoria Philippine Solidarity Group

El Salvador


  1. Alianza Ambiental de El Salvador
  2. Asociacion Ambiental La Maraña, AALAM
  3. Asociacion Educando para el Buen Vivir, ASEBVI
  4. Asociación Intercomunal de Comunidades Unidas para el Desarrollo Económico y Social del Bajo Lempa, ACUDESBAL
  5. Asociacion Para el Desarrollo de El Salvador, CRIPDES
  6. Asociacion Para el Desarrollo Social de Santa Marta, ADES
  7. Asociación Nueva Vida Pro-Niñez y Juventud
  8. Asociaciòn Salvadoreña de Ayuda Humanitaria
  9. Centro de Investigaciòn Sobre Inversiòn y Comercio
  10. CESTA
  11. Comite de Comunidades Rurales de Chalatenango, CCR
  12. Colectivo de Derechos Humanos Herbert Anaya Sanabria
  13. Co-Madres Monseñor Romero
  14. Concavis Trans
  15. Coordinadora Nacional de la Mujer Salvadoreña
  16. Federación de Asociaciones y Sindicatos Independientes de El Salvador, FEASIES
  17. Foro del Agua de El Salvador
  18. Fundación de Apoyo Familiar FUNDAFAM
  19. Fundación de Estudios para la Aplicación del Derecho, FESPAD
  20. Fundacion Share
  22. Mesa de Päz Cimas I
  23. Mesa Nacional frente a la Minería Metálica, MNFM
  24. Mesa Permanente por la Justicia Laboral, MPJL
  25. Movimiento 5+
  26. Movimiento Nacional en Defensa de la Tierra, MOVITIERRA
  27. Periodico El Pais
  28. Tutela de Derechos Humanos Arzobispado de San Salvador
  29. Red Activista El Salvador
  30. Red Uniendo Manos
  31. Universidad Centroamericana, José Simeón Cañas (UCA)



  1. Association Lojtra, Slovenia
  2. Bergwerk Peru – Campaign on mining in Peru (Germany)
  3. Campaign Stop Mad Mining (Europe)
  4. CATAPA, Belgium
  5. Christian Initiative Romero (CIR), Germany
  6. Comite Oscar Romero, Spain
  7. CounterCurrent (Germany)
  8. Ecologistas en Acción
  9. Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Sachsen, Germany
  10. FEMNET, Germany
  11. Grupo de Trabajo Suiza Colombia
  12. Informationsgruppe Lateinamerika (IGLA), Austria
  13. INKOTA, Germany
  14. Institute of Global Responsibility, Poland
  15. Kaffeekampagne El Salvador / Infostelle El Salvador e.V.
  16. Leave it in the Ground Initiative (LINGO), Germany
  17. Mining Watch Romania
  18. Misereor, Germany
  19. Oecumenic Office for Peace and Justice (Germany)
  20. OIKOS – Cooperação e Desenvolvimento, Portugal-El Salvador
  21. Ongd AFRICANDO, Spain
  22. Plataforma Salvemos Cabana, Spain
  23. PowerShift e.V., Germany
  24. Protect the Forest, Sweden
  25. Sukuma arts e.V., Germany
  26. Transnational Institute, Netherlands
  27. War on Want, UK

Latin America


  1. Acción por la Biodiversidad, Argentina
  2. Acción Colectiva A.C.
  3. Asociación Femenina para el Desarrollo de Sacatepéquez (AFEDES), Guatemala
  4. Alianza de Comunidades y ONG’s en defensa de los Ríos Bobos-Nautla y Tecolutla, A.C, Mexico
  5. Alianza Mexicana contra el Fracking, Mexico 
  6. Asamblea Veracruzana de Iniciativas y Defensa Ambiental, Mexico
  7. ASSEMAE, Brazil
  8. ALAMES Bolivia
  9. Asociación Misioneras del Sagrado Corazón de Jesus, Guatemala
  10. Asociación PIES (Promoción, Investigación, y Educación en Salud), Guatemala
  11. Association KOURAJ, Haiti
  13. Ayiti Djanm (AD), Ayiti
  14. Bios Iguana A.C., Mexico
  15. Bloque Popular/FNRP, Honduras
  16. Capitulo Boliviano de Derechos Humanos Derechos y Desarrollo, Bolivia
  17. CEAG – Centro de Educación Ambiental de Guarulhos, Brazil
  18. Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos “Segundo Montes Mozo S.J. (CSMM), Ecuador
  19. Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos, Republica Dominicana
  20. Coordinadora Nacional Agua para Tod@s, Mexico
  21. Coalición de Organizaciones Mexicanas por el Derecho al Agua, Mexico
  22. Colectivo MadreSelva, Guatemala
  23. Colectivo Voces Ecológicas, COVEC, Panama
  24. Colectivo Tajtolmej Taltipak A.C., Mexico
  25. Comision Nacional en Defensa del Agua y la Vida – CNDAV, Uruguay
  26. Consejo Tiyat Tlali, Mexico
  27. Cooperativa Talamanca Sos, R.L., Costa Rica
  28. Corporación Ecológica y Cultural Penca de Sabila, Colombia
  29. Desarrollo Económico Social de los Mexicanos Indígenas, Mexico
  30. Equipo Regional de Monitoreo y Derechos Humanos en Centroamérica, Costa Rica
  31. Federacion de Funcionarios de Obras Sanitarias del Estado-FFOSE, Uruguay
  32. Fundar, Centro de Análisis e Investigación. A.C, Mexico
  33. Freshwater Action Network, México
  34. Instituto Mexicano para el Desarrollo Comunitario AC, Mexico
  35. Justicia, Salud Desarrollo (Bolivia)
  36. Le Groupe d’Appui aux Rapatriés et Réfugiés – GARR, Haiti
  37. ISP/PSI, Costa Rica
  38. Kolektif Jistis Min (KJM), Haiti
  39. MOGPK Mouvman Oganizasyon Peyizan Karis, Haiti
  40. Movimiento Morelense contra las Concesiones de Minería a Tajo Abierto, Mexico
  41. Mundo Verde, Guatemala
  42. No Fracking Tamaulipas, Mexico
  43. Oficina de Justicia y Paz Sociedad Misionera de San Columbano, Chile
  44. Organisation Arc en Ciel D’Haiti
  45. PAPDA, Haiti
  46. Procesos Integrales para la Autogestión de los Pueblos, Mexico
  47. RARA, Haiti
  48. Red Mexicana de Afectados por la Minería, Mexico
  49. Red MUQUI, PERU
  50. The Democracy Center, Bolivia

United States


  1. AFL-CIO
  2. Anakbayan New Jersey
  3. Agricultural Missions Inc
  4. Arlington International Film Festival
  5. Arlington-Teosinte Sister City Project
  6. Austin-Guajoyo Sister City Project
  7. Austin Friends of Nature
  8. Binghamton – El Charcón Sister City Project
  9. Cambridge MA El Salvador Sister City Committee
  10. Center for International and Environmental Law (CIEL)
  11. Center for Alternative Mining Development Policy
  12. Centro Latino Cuscatlan
  13. Chicago-Cinquera Sister Cities Project
  14. Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America (CLRN)
  15. Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach
  16. Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)
  17. Corporate Accountability International
  18. Cristianos por la Paz en El Salvador (CRISPAZ)
  19. Doctors for Global Health
  20. Earth Rights Institute
  21. Earthworks
  22. Feminist Task Force
  23. Friends of the Earth
  24. FOCUS Central America
  25. Global Justice for Animals and the Environment
  26. Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
  27. Grassroots International
  28. Green Gorge Farms
  29. Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice
  30. Institute for Policy Studies, Global Economy Project
  31. International Labor Rights Forum
  32. Latin America Solidarity Committee, Milwaukee
  33. Latin America Working Group
  34. Madison Arcatao Sister City Project
  35. MH-VT Guatemala Accompaniment Project
  36. Midwest Coalition Against Lethal Mining
  37. Midwest Coalition Responsible Investment
  38. MOFGA-El Salvador Sistering Committee
  39. National Alliance for Filipino Concerns, NAFCON
  40. National Lawyers Guild International Committee
  41. National Ecumenical Forum for Filipino Concerns 
  42. Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala – NISGUA
  43. Oxfam
  44. Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada
  45. Rochester Committee On Latin America
  46. SERR
  47. SHARE-El Salvador
  48. Sierra Club
  49. Sisters of Charity Federation
  50. Sisters of St. Joseph LA Province
  51. Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
  52. Sister Parish, Inc/Iglesias Hermanas
  53. Sustainable Agriculture of Louisville
  54. Temple of Understanding
  55. Trade Justice New York
  56. United Methodist Sister Parish group, Decorah(IA)
  57. U.S.-El Salvador Sister Cities
  58. US Friends of Chilama
  59. Washington Ethical Society /Global Connections
  60. Washington Office on Latin America WOLA
  61. Witness for Peace



  1. AIDB Burundi
  2. AGHAM-Advocates of Science and Technology for the People, Philippines
  3. Alyansa Tigil Mina (Alliance Against Mining), Philippines
  4. Amis de l’Afrique Francophone-AMAF, Bénin
  5. Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP), Thailand
  6. Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development, Thailand
  7. Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants, Hong Kong
  8. Bangladesh Krishok Federation
  9. Centre for Research and Advocacy Manipur, India
  10. Community Empowerment and Social Justice Foundation (CEmSoJ), Nepal
  11. DIVA for Equality, Fiji
  12. Focus on the Global South, Philippiness
  13. Health Alliance for Democracy, Philippines
  14. International Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL), Philippines
  15. Kalikasan Peoples Network for the Environment, Phillipines
  16. Kalipunan ng Katutubong Mamamayan ng Pilipinas, KATRIBU, Phillippines
  17. Indonesia for Global Justice
  18. Migrante Sectoral Party of OFWs and their Families
  19. Mines Minerals RIGHTS, India
  20. National Association of Women’s Organisations in Uganda (NAWOU)
  21. Odisha Paramparik Krushak Sangathan(OPKS), India
  22. Philippines Australia Union Link
  23. SMEIDFI, Philippines
  24. SIBAT, Philippines
  25. Tonga Leitis Association, Tonga
  26. WomanHealth Philippines