Analysis Research, News

Memory, Truth and Justice for Heroes in the Resistance against Mining Oil and Gas

Friends of the Earth International

by PhilLee 


On the 16th anniversary of the murder of Nigerian writer Ken Saro-Wiwa we have released a report to honour those involved in the struggle for justice for the communities who suffer the consequences of extractive industries.

heroes cover

The report exposes the murders of many human rights and environmental activists all over the world for defending their rights and natural resources.


Read the report – PDF


To this day, the list of community rights defenders, human rights advocates, environmentalists, indigenous peoples leaders, church people, and social activists killed in the course of their struggle against mining, oil and gas around the world continues to grow longer.


Call on governments to hold oil companies to account and abandon unwanted new projects

Nigeria: Last August the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) released a report that detailed the absolute tragedy that is occurring in Ogoniland (Niger Delta) due to devastating oil spills in the past five decades.

Shell must pay for the cleanup and they must make good for the human rights abuses that they facilitated.

Please tell Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan to declare an environmental state of emergency in Ogoniland, and to hold Shell accountable for this emergency


United States: As the pursuit for ever scarer reserves of oil and gas intensifies so do the Injustices against communities. The Keystone XL pipeline would double imports of dirty tar sands oil into the US and endanger the health of communities and ecosystems all along its path from Canada to the Gulf Coast of Texas.


Tell President Obama to show oil lobbyists the door and reject the Keystone XL pipeline

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