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International Anti-Chevron event in Geneva

International Anti-Chevron event in Geneva

On the occasion of the international day of mobilization to support victims of Chevron, today (21 May 2014) fifty people gathered at the Place des Nations in Geneva. Other demonstrations took place in five countries on four continents. These simultaneous actions, protesters heard denouncing the practices of transnational oil company Chevron in the world. Organised by the Swiss Solidarity Network UDAPT (Union affected by oil operations by Chevron-Texaco) Amazon – Ecuador CETIM and Coordination-Social Climate Justice, the following people spoke: Anne Mahrer, National Councillor Green, Melik Özden, Director CETIM Amanda Gavilanes, on behalf of the Geneva Socialist Party, Gilles Godinat, on behalf of the Coordination Climate- social justice and solidarity.









Intervention Melik Özden, Director CETIM

Today we are gathered here to express our solidarity with the victims of transnational oil company Chevron. On four continents, hundreds of organizations and social movements are mobilizing to oppose practices of this company. several decades, Chevron pollutes the environment and unscrupulous infringes the rights of the peoples concerned. Sentenced to $ 9.5 billion for the damage caused by Ecuadorian Amazon by courts of Ecuador, Chevron has refused to pay. Instead, the company is launching armies of lawyers and experts to invalidate the judgment and intimidate victims of multiple lawsuits. The lack of cooperation of the justice of the state seat Chevron, namely the United States, is an additional obstacle in the path of the victims. For over 20 years, victims of Chevron in the Ecuadorian Amazon are trying to obtain justice for the damage caused by the company to their living environment. Meanwhile, not only the environment is contaminated, but many people continue to die or live with disease, sometimes incurable, such as multiple types of cancer and infections or other problems of the respiratory, reproductive and . circulatory Chevron’s case is emblematic in many ways the behavior of transnational corporations elusive legally, and we show, in particular:     1) the devastating effects of the activities of transnational corporations on local populations and the environment when are not governed by binding rules at national and international level;     2) the tortuous path that victims should take to redress;     3) the current economic system favors the interests of transnational corporations at the expense of human rights, labor rights and the environment;     4) lack of political will of States to prosecute and / or execute a sentence of a court in another country where the interests of “their transnational corporations” are at stake today Transnational corporations have become a threat to human rights and democracy.Indeed, the involvement (direct or indirect) of TNCs in violations of human rights is well established. Few hundred transnational corporations dictate most of the production policy and economic and social policies that now threaten not only the real economy, but also the democratic functioning, prevent the enjoyment of human rights of the overwhelming majority of humanity and, in addition, have a detrimental effect on the environment. Meanwhile, transnational companies use complex structures to evade their responsibilities in human rights violations or escape taxation. They also barricaded behind confidentiality to refuse any useful information on their activities, even when they are implicated in human rights violations.However, peoples and citizens demand more democracy and transparency not only in the conduct of public affairs, but also in the economy. international law on human rights applicable flawed on transnational corporations. The adoption of mandatory standards at the international level is essential to regulate the activities of these companies to complement and support national efforts. A step in this direction is underway within the Council of Human Rights of the UN.This must be strongly supported by all States, including Western, if they want to cover their sovereignty undermined the power of transnational corporations, and meet their commitments to human rights. It must also be strongly supported by the civil society. While the adoption of binding international standards will not solve overnight the problems posed by transnational corporations, but it is a first step to allow victims access to justice and to fight against the impunity for abuses by transnational corporations. 

Place des Nations (Geneva), Wednesday, 21 May 2014



                                                                 Intervention Anne Mahrer, National Councillor Green

The Greens support the 30,000 peasants and farmers in the Ecuadorian Amazon fighting against the multinational Chevron-Texaco and indignant that the oil company refuses to pay the fine of $ 9.5 billion that had condemned a court Ecuador for pollution worse and affect the health of Amazonian populations. Lobbies gas and oil have been the lure rich subsoil and energy autonomy, enhancing their dependence on fossil fuels and put at risk not only a unique and fragile ecosystem, but perpetuated an economic model based on short-term and immediate profit that has shown its limitations and social and environmental damage -. sometimes it causes irreparable- We regret of course that the Ecuadorian government has abandoned the ‘Yasuni and pursue an oil and mining at the expense of biodiversity conservation and indigenous peoples of the Amazon Initiative. But mostly we regret that the international community, which had undertaken to pay the sum required for the oil remains in the basement, does not have fulfilled its commitments. We have a responsibility. We live and produce as if we had three planets. We consume on credit on the back of the poorest populations and of future generations.This eagerness in the search for energy supplies are depleted the myth of energy independence, leading multinational oil and gas exploration and exploitation of unconventional hydrocarbons, shale gas drilling in any azimuth hydraulic fracturing (fracking), the catastrophic damage to human health, water, environment. We do not want it, either here or elsewhere, and remain mobilized. Let fossil resources in our basement, exploit the energy saving deposits and move without delay to the energy transition.






