
Impunity: What can the Chevron case teach us about Business and Human Rights?

Global Campaign


European Parliament PHS 1C051, Brussels
30/01/2018 9:00 – 11:00
Hosted by: MEP Lola Sánchez (GUE/NGL)



  • MEP Lola Sánchez (GUE/NGL)
  • Susan George – Transnational Institute
  • Pablo Fajardo – UDAPT
  • Adoración Guamán – University of Valencia
  • Olivier de Schutter – University of Louvain


The victims of the environmental and human rights crimes committed by Chevron in the Ecuadorian Amazonas have been fighting for justice for over twenty-five years. Their struggle has been inspirational for many of the communities affected by corporate crimes worldwide, but what has been going on exactly during these decades of struggle? What have been the victories and the obstacles faced by these human rights defenders and the affected communities? In this session, an in-depth legal analysis of the rulings related to the case will be released. The report has been elaborated by a group of researchers led by Adoración Guamán, professor of the University of Valencia, and analyses both, the court rulings related to the case and the arbitral awards. The original report is only available in Spanish, but the presentation and debate will take place in English (or in Spanish with interpretation). Far from being an exception, the Chevron case is symptomatic of one of the most pressing challenges of our times: the obstacles of States to fulfil their obligations to respect, protect, and remedy cases of human rights violations; of judicial systems to impose enforceable obligations on transnational corporations; and of people to enjoy their rights, especially access to remedy. Besides focusing on the Chevron case in particular, the discussion panel will give us the opportunity to broaden the scope of the debate and reflect on the economic and political structure that enables corporate impunity.



9:05 Introduction
MEP Lola Sánchez (GUE/NGL)

9:10 The EU Parliament, an actor of corporate capture?
Susan George – Transnational Institute

9:30 Twenty-five years fighting for justice
Pablo Fajardo – UDAPT

9:50 Chevron strikes back: ISDS against the victims
Adoración Guamán – University of Valencia

10:10 ISDS provisions in investment treaties: the dangers of a two-speeds justice
Olivier de Schutter – University of Louvain

10:30 Open debate


Streaming (in Spanish): https://www.facebook.com/EuroPodemos/