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Important web-tool for human rights advocates

Consulta Prévia

It is in operation now the website Consulta Previa ( The material is available in Portuguese and Spanish and it was launched during the Panamazonian Social Forum in Macapá, Amapá, Brazil (28-31 May 2013). 
The website is an important tool for human rights advocates and for indigenous peoples and tribal peoples around the world interested in learning more about the Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) as laid out in the 169 ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989. The main feature in the website, designed and fed by Latin american legal scholars, human rights practitioners, activists and community-members is that for those interested it is possible to fill in a form with information regarding a specific case. With that, it is possible to have information given by experts about possible ways to initiate a legal case to request the application of the FPIC in cases it is believed indigenous and tribal peoples have to be informed and consulted so that they can consent or not projects, administrative measures or legislation affecting them, their territories and their ways of living.