Pressure strengthened over binding treaty on corporations and human rights at the UN

Radio Mundo Real

  A Friends of the Earth International´s delegation is present in Geneva, Switzerland, where the UN´s Human Rights Council is holding its sessions, aiming to urge several governments to participate in the intergovernmental panel of the Council to start defining●●●

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Iron ore, journey with no return


  From the Brazilian Amazon to the German automakers       The production depicts in 28 minutes the daily life of the communities impacted by the Programa Grande Carajás (Great Carajás Programme), the world’s largest iron ore mining project in the●●●

News, Resources, Videos & Audios

Under the inluen$e: a film against TNC lobbying


  UNDER THE INFLUEN$E raises one of the most important questions the American people have ever faced – has our democracy been stolen? Fusing secrecy with big money, global corporations and private interests have gradually gained control of our government●●●

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