[Key videos] The Corporation – State of Power 2020

Global Campaign

The Corporation: Who Runs the World? Which corporations are the most powerful in the world today? The Corporation is capitalism’s preeminent institution, dominating our economy, distorting our politics and reshaping society. TNI’s ninth flagship State of Power report delves deep●●●


25-27 Nov 2020: African Peoples Tribunal on industrial plantation corporations

Global Campaign

Source: Friends of the Earth Africa   On 25 November, Friends of the Earth Africa will be convening the first session of the African Peoples Tribunal on industrial plantation corporations.   More information: http://africanpeoplestribunal.org/   Please see below  the 6-page●●●


17 October: Closing day of the 5th International Action of the WMW

Global Campaign

Source: World March of Women     Listen to our closing statement!     October 17 is the 24th day of Feminist Solidarity and the closing of our 5th International Action. A mobilization that began on March 8, the International●●●

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