Under the inluen$e: a film against TNC lobbying


  UNDER THE INFLUEN$E raises one of the most important questions the American people have ever faced – has our democracy been stolen? Fusing secrecy with big money, global corporations and private interests have gradually gained control of our government●●●

News, Videos & Audios

SADC Peoples Summit: WHY ARE WE HERE?

SADC Peoples Summit

  In this video, Mercia Andrews from the Rural Women Assembly explains why Farmers, Rural Women and mining impacted communities mobilised to the Bulawayo, for the SADC Peoples Summit.  

News, Resources, Videos & Audios

Regulating Multinationals: The UN Guiding Principles, Civil Society, and International Legalization

Social Science Research Network

John Gerard Ruggie Harvard University – Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) July 30, 2014 Business and Human Rights: Beyond the End of the Beginning, César Rodriguez-Garavito, ed., Forthcoming  Abstract:  Calls to regulate transnational corporations (TNCs) through a single overarching international treaty●●●

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