Nothing to celebrate: Fifth anniversary of the “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” – The urgency of a binding treaty

Radio Mundo real

   Descargar: MP3 (5 MB) This Thursday, the 32nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council will celebrate the fifth anniversary of the “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”, in Geneva, Switzerland. However, Friends of the Earth International considers there●●●

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A PLANET IN DANGER: the worldwide map of Chevron’s conflicts

UDAPT- Union of people affected by Texaco (hoy Chevron)

Tomorrow, the 25st of May,  is the day of the Annual meeting of Chevron’s shareholders in the United States. At this assembly, Humberto Piaguaje, coordinator of  the UDAPT will present the map of 30+ environmental conflicts  on 5 continents which●●●

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Investment Court System put to the test

Transnational Institute

  New EU proposal will perpetuate investors’ attacks on health and environment   Report   The European Commission says that its new investment proposal –the Investment Court System – will protect governments’ abilities to regulate on crucial matters such as●●●

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