Bernardo Belloso, miembro de la Mesa Nacional frente a la Minería, exige a los diputados que conforman la comisión de medio ambiente la aprobación de una ley que prohiba la exploración y explotación minera en El Salvador.
Argentina Federal Government Recognizes Glaciers in Mining Areas
Center for human rights and environment
Through a quietly released official announcement, the Federal Environment Secretary of Argentina, Sergio Bergman, informed that Argentina’s National Glacier Inventory has just completed a glacier count in the controversial Famatina Mountains, and that the National Glacier Institute (the IANIGLA) recognizes●●●
MAB (Dams' Victims Movement)
On November 05th 2015 the lives of thousands of people was deeply violated after the collapse of the Samarco dam in Mariana. The MAB (Dams´ Victims Movement) held a demonstration that followed the reverse mud movement up●●●