Special Broadcasts / El Salvador Free From Mining

Real World Radio

  ​On March 29, 2017, the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador passed a historic law through which it bans, with a retroactive effect, the extraction of precious metals in its territory. The decision is the result of two decades of●●●

Analysis Research, News, Resources

EU grants approval to merger of agribusiness corporations and consolidates a global monopoly; interview with Adrian Bebb of Friends of the Earth Europe

Real World Radio

    Download: MP3 (6.5 Mb)   In light of the approval by the European Commission of the $130 billion mega-merger between agribusiness corporations Dow Chemical and Du Pont, and anticipating similar authorizations for other agribusiness giants, organizations warn that a●●●

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Southern Africa Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power & African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)

           ​   Supporters of the Southern Africa Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power,   Transnational Corporations (TNC’s) dominate South Africa’s seed and agrochemical sector. Corporate information such as market shares are kept totally secret. Two of●●●

Analysis Research, News