Judge orders biggest corporate bribery trial in history against Shell, Eni, CEO and executives

Global Witnesses

    Landmark trial sees senior former Shell executives and CEO of Eni in the dock for billion dollar Nigerian oil deal   Royal Dutch Shell and Italian oil giant Eni have been ordered to stand trial in Milan on●●●

News, Press Releases, Resources

Basta ya! WTO: People Choose Sovereignty

Focus on the Global South

  Focus on the Global South, Statement on the failure of MC11 in Buenos Aires   The failure of the WTO talks in Buenos Aires to produce any substantial outcome is a victory for the people. This is a clear●●●

Analysis Research, News, Press Releases, Resources, Statements

ISDS in numbers: Impacts of investment arbitration against Latin America and the Carribbean

Transnational Institute

  This report will be updated every 4 months and published in the new website: http://isds-americalatina.org/   The dangers of the investment protection agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have been exposed in the report ISDS in Numbers●●●

Analysis Research, News, Resources