NEW REPORT: State of Power 2018

Transnational Institute (TNI)

Popular movements everywhere are on the rise at the same time as we face ever-greater corporate impunity and increasing state violence. In TNI’s seventh flagship State of Power report, we examine today’s social movements, their potential to build counter-power, and●●●

Analysis Research, Data & Infographics, News, Resources

ALERT! Edwin Espinal arrested for participation in protests against the dictatorship


  Tonight, while driving home, compañero Edwin Espinal was captured by members of the police along the Fuerzas Aramadas Boulevard in Tegucigalpa for his participation in the protests days before against the imposition of fraud and dictatorship by Juan Orlando Hernández (JOH). ●●●

Events, News, Resources

Corporate Impunity: Strategies of struggle in Africa

Friends of the Earth International (FOEI)

Erika Mendes – Friends of the Earth Mozambique/ JA!         2016 was an important year in the African continent’s struggle against corporate impunity, with the first session of the Southern African Peoples Permanent Tribunal (PPT) taking place●●●

Analysis Research, News, Resources