Canadian Court Denies UDAPT Request for Chevron Canada to Respond for Environmental Crime in Ecuador. Affected Ecuadorians Appeal before the Supreme Court

UDAPT – Unión de los afectados y afectadas por las operaciones petroleras de Texaco – Ecuador

  Quito, May 23, 2018. – Through a ruling issued today, the Court of Ontario dismissed the evidence presented by the affected Ecuadorians to link the capitals of Chevron Canada and Chevron Corporation. The decision of this Court will be appealed before the●●●

Analysis Research, News

Colonialism, borders and justice should be in our conversation about migration

Global Justice Now

  Dorothy Grace Guerrero           Despite the end of historical colonialism – brought about by successful struggles for independence and liberation by former colonial territories in the South and their establishment of post-colonial governments – the●●●

Analysis Research, News, Resources

VIDEO: Resistance against fracking in San Martín César, Colombia

Corporation in Defense of Water, Territory and Ecosystems (CORDATEC)

      In 2015, ConocoPhillips and CNE Oil & Gas (Canacol Energy) obtained contracts for the exploration and production of unconventional fossil fuels (fracking) in the municipality of San Martín, César, Colombia.   Local organizations in San Martín, led●●●

Analysis Research, News, Videos & Audios