Chevron case in Ecuador: Videos from UDAPT


The case of Chevron vs. the Peoples of the Ecuadorian Amazon (UDAPT-Union of Affected by Texaco-now Chevron), impacted by the operations of this corporation more than two decades ago is a clear example of why we fight for an international●●●

News, Videos & Audios

Climate Arson: The strategies and impact of ExxonMobil’s dangerous EU lobbying

Corporate Europe Observatory

For more than half a century, ExxonMobil has denied and downplayed climate change, has refused any responsibility for global warming and continues to fund groups spreading misinformation. Now, the company is facing the first public hearing on climate change denialism.●●●

Analysis Research, News, Resources

SIDE EVENT: “Vale in Brumadinho: another crime in the account of the big transnationals” and “Shell in Nigeria: violations of labour rights continue”

Global Campaign

    SIDE EVENT   On the occasion of the 40th session of the Human Rights Council, the Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples′ sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and stop impunity has the pleasure to invite you to a side event●●●

Analysis Research, Events, News