Union of the People Affected by Texaco (UDAPT)

      Lago Agrio, September 10, 2018.- Once the arbitration award regarding the lawsuit that the oil company Chevron pursued against the Ecuadorian State – known as Chevron III – has been made public, members of the UDAPT stated that●●●

Analysis Research, News

Zero Draft of the UN Binding Treaty (published on 20th July 2018)

Global Campaign

  On 20th July 2018 the Presidency of the OEIGWG published the Zero Draft of the UN Binding Treaty that will be discussed at the occasion of the 4th Session of OEIGWG 15-20 October 2018.  The document can be consulted●●●

Analysis Research, News, Resources

URGENT- Communities affected by Chevron-Texaco need your support!

Global Campaign To Dismantle Corporate POwer and Stop Impunity

      The UDAPT has started a crowdfunding in order to raise CAD $ 350 thousand needed to cover judicial costs that will allow us to appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada and continue in our attempt to●●●

Analysis Research, News, Resources