who benefits from gm crops?

Friends of the Earth International (FOEI)

Friends of the Earth International, February 2011: This annual report analyses major new developments regarding genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in various regions around the world, including new evidence and testimony from our member groups. In this 2011 edition, we focus●●●

Analysis Research

Golden Opportunity or False Hope? AngloGold Ashanti’s proposed gold mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Bench Marks Foundation

This report focuses on a proposed Anglo Gold Ashanti (AGA) gold mine in Mongbwalu, in the Ituri District of the DRC. It outlines some key concerns that will determine whether local people stand to benefit from this mine which will●●●

Analysis Research

Shoprite in Malawi, Swaziland and Zambia – A Report by the Bench Marks Foundation

Bench Marks Foundation

Shoprite is one of Africa’s largest retail groups. The research forms part of a broader research initiative, aimed at studying the operational behaviour of multinational companies within different Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries. It explores Shoprite’s impact on the●●●

Analysis Research