Freedom of association in the electronics industry

E. de Haan, SOMO

Briefing paper In this briefing paper, SOMO investigates the role of electronics brands in ensuring that freedom of association and collective bargaining is respected all along their supply chain.    Download whole publication:  Freedom of association in the electronics industry.pdf (Size 276.5●●●

Analysis Research

Young women exploited in Indian garment industry

Gerard Oonk, Pauline Overeem, Marijn Peepercamp, Martje Theuws

Despite industry’s promises, young Dalit women continue to suffer exploitative conditions European and US garment brands and retailers have failed in their attempts to structurally improve labour conditions at their suppliers in Tamil Nadu, South India. Despite corporate promises and●●●

Analysis Research

Vale 2012 Unsustainability Report

International Movement of People Affected by Vale

Vale participates in the Global Reporting Initiative and publishes its “Sustainability Report” on an annual basis, aiming to demonstrate its compliance with the international principles of social and environmental responsibilities of which it is a signatory, namely the UN Global●●●

Analysis Research