Uncertain Futures – The impacts of Sime Darby on communities in Liberia

Silas Kpanan’Ayoung Siakor, WRM and SDI

Local Liberian communities suffer from the expansion of Sime Darby’s palm oil plantation in Liberia, which swallows up their farms and farmlands. Most of the men and women in the affected villages are now out of work, with very few●●●

Analysis Research

Enel Today and Tomorrow

Joseph Wilde-Ramsing, Kristóf Rácz, Fleur Scheele, and Peter Saaman/SOMO. Commissioned by Greenpeace Italy

Hidden Costs of the Path of Coal and Carbon versus Possibilities for a Cleaner and Brighter Future The electricity provided by power companies and the employment that electricity provision creates are economic goods that benefit society and drive economic and●●●

Analysis Research

Restricted Rights: Migrant women workers in Thailand, Cambodia and Malaysia

Reiko Harima, Asian Migrant Centre, Mekong Migration Network War on Want

The story of thousands of migrant women workers is revealed in the new report launched by War on Want and the Asian Migrant Centre. The report presents the appalling conditions faced by women who have to migrate because of poverty and●●●

Analysis Research