Impunity Inc. – Reflections on the “super-rights” and “super-powers” of corporate capital

Observatory on Debt in Globalisation (ODG) & Transnational Institute (TNI)

  Forty years after Salvador Allende denounced corporate power at the United Nations General Assembly (December 1972), millions of people all over the world are involved in struggles against the human rights violations and the social and environmental injustice generated●●●

Analysis Research, Maps, News, Resources

From Whence the Wood?


Supply chain transparency and the origin of solid biomass for electricity generation in the Netherlands The use of solid biomass as feedstock for electricity generation is becoming an increasingly prominent and controversial topic in the global debate about the transition●●●

Analysis Research

Breathless for Blue Jeans: health hazards in China’s denim factories

War on Want, SACOM, IHLO, CCC

The Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) alongside with War on Want, SACOM and IHLO release new research that shows that the practice of sandblasting – used in order to give jeans a worn or ‘distressed’ look – is still widespread in●●●

Analysis Research