Chevron’s Star Witness Admits to Lying in the Amazon Pollution Case

Vice News

  By Eva Hershaw   In March of last year, California-based oil giant Chevron hailed a sweeping victory in a two-decade long legal battle in the Ecuadorean Amazon. A New York federal judge, Lewis Kaplan, ruled that a $9.5 billion Lago●●●

Analysis Research, News

TTIP leak exposes EU’s failure to protect the environment

Friends of the Earth Europe

        A leaked European Union document has revealed that the EU is willing to trade away essential environmental safeguards during the ongoing EU-US trade talks.   The leaked document, which provides an overview of the EU’s opening position on●●●

Analysis Research, News

Dirty hands on dirty deals

Corporate Europe Observatory

        What do the UN climate talks in Paris this December, €œCOP21€ , and the ongoing EU-US trade negotiations, TTIP, have in common? Both look set to create deals that work for big business and dirty industry,●●●

Analysis Research, News, Resources