Peasants, Family Farmers, Indigenous Peoples, Quilombolas, Collective Land Users, Fisherfolk, Social Pastorals, Civil Society organizations including FASE, supporters of the National Campaign for the Defense of the Cerrado; representatives of Mozambican peasant communities, Japanese environmental activist, as well as●●●

Analysis Research, News, Resources

Argentina Federal Government Recognizes Glaciers in Mining Areas

Center for human rights and environment

      Through a quietly released official announcement, the Federal Environment Secretary of Argentina, Sergio Bergman, informed that Argentina’s National Glacier Inventory has just completed a glacier count in the controversial Famatina Mountains, and that the National Glacier Institute (the IANIGLA) recognizes●●●

Analysis Research, News, Resources

Resolution of the Catalan Parliament regarding a legislative framework of respect for human rights on the part of Catalan businesses operating abroad

Taula Catalana per la Pau i els Drets Humans a Colòmbia

  Resolution of the Catalan Parliament regarding a legislative framework of respect for human rights on the part of Catalan businesses operating abroad approved at the Catalan Parliament on 3th November 2016 Download it here

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