REPORT: The Bail Out Business

Transnational Institute

  Who profits from bank rescues in the EU?   Download: The Bail Out Business (pdf, 1.84 MB) Average time to read: 45 min     The Bail Out Business is the most comprehensive and thorough analysis of the steps taken●●●

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S2B position on the European Commission proposal for a multilateral ISDS mechanism

Seattle to Brussels Network (S2B)

  S2B position on the European Commission proposal for a multilateral ISDS mechanism   ISDS at a dangerous crossroads S2B position on the European Commission proposal for a multilateral investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism Globalisation is at a dangerous crossroads.●●●

Analysis Research, News, Press Releases, Resources, Statements

Update from the international solidarity campaign underway in support of community leaders facing judicial persecution by Italian multinational in Colombia

Dismantle Corporate Power

  This February 6th 2017, leaders of the Association of those Affected by the Hydroelectric Project el Quimbo (ASOQUIMBO) were summoned to Court for a Preliminary Hearing to decide whether or not to dismiss charges that had been initiated against●●●

Analysis Research, News, Press Releases