Friends of the Earth International demands UN Human Rights Council to put pressure on Israel and to condemn human rights violations on the 50th year of Israeli occupation of Palestine

Radio Mundo Real

   MP3 (4.2 MB) On June 5th, 1967, Israeli military forces attacked Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Jordan armies, in what was the beginning of the “Six-Day War” which resulted in the Israeli seizure of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza●●●

Analysis Research, News

Is international investment law moving the ball forward on IHRL obligations for business enterprises?


  by Anil Yilmaz-Vastardis   The question of whether businesses are subjects of international law in the absence of express treaty provisions to that effect, and thus can have IHRL obligations, receives mixed answers from legal scholars. Rights granted to●●●

Analysis Research, News

Our food is not your business

Global Forest Coalition

Alternatives to unsustainable livestock and feedstock farming and the current corporate free trade model     This briefing paper aims to contribute to the many ongoing efforts, actions, and discussions on alternatives to industrial livestock production, whether local, specific or●●●

Analysis Research, News, Resources