Jeremy Corbyn has made a huge commitment against corporate power

Global Justice Now

        In his speech to the United Nations last Friday, Jeremy Corbyn gave a timely boost to the long-standing global campaign to tackle corporate power. He pledged that the next Labour government in Britain will actively support●●●

Analysis Research, News

BP’s Fracking Secrets: Pan-American Energy and Argentina’s shale mega-project


  Download report BP plays a leading role in advancing one of the world’s biggest carbon bombs, the Vaca Muerta shale mega-project in Patagonia. BP does not carry out fracking in the UK because the practice would “attract the wrong kind●●●

Analysis Research, News, Resources

Corporate interests still come first at UN climate talks

Corporate Europe Observatory

  Last week’s conclusion of the 23rd UN climate negotiations  in Bonn, Germany, marks the end of another year of international  talks on tackling climate change – against a backdrop of increasingly frequent climate catastrophes. Here’s what we got up●●●

Analysis Research, News