Multinationals pay lower taxes than a decade ago

Financial Times

  Big multinationals are paying significantly lower tax rates than before the 2008 financial crisis, according to Financial Times analysis showing that a decade of government efforts to cut deficits and reform taxes has left the corporate world largely unscathed.●●●

Analysis Research, News, Resources

Positive move towards historic treaty on transnational corporations and human rights at UN Human Rights Council

Friends of the Earth International (FOEI)

Binding treaty draft text to be discussed in October       Geneva, 9 March 2018   This week the Human Rights Council was debating the binding treaty on transnational corporations once again. It was a hopeful sign that, on●●●

Analysis Research, News

Looming threats to the mining prohibition in El Salvador

International Allies Against Mining in El Salvador

  In March 2017, El Salvador became the first country in the world to ban metallic mining. But the huge victory of the antimining movement and the international recognition it has garnered may be overshadowed by a current electoral campaign●●●

Analysis Research, News