Indigenous Leaders from Ecuador United in Confronting Oil Giant Chevron in Ontario Court

Union of the affected people of Chevron-Texaco (UDAPT)

  OTTAWA and TORONTO, April 16, 2018 /CNW/ – On April 17 and 18, the Court of Appeal for Ontario, will be the setting in which Ecuadorian plaintiffs will demonstrate that Chevron Canada has a patrimony connection with Chevron Corporation, which would allow the Indigenous and peasant●●●

Analysis Research, News, Resources

UN Declaration on Peasants’ Rights: Challenging Neoliberal Globalization and Corporate Impunity

Focus on the Global South

  Joseph Purugganan     Presentation delivered at the Regional Consultation, Training, and Meeting of La Via Campesina Collective on Human Rights, 27 March 2018 in Jakarta, Indonesia   On behalf of Focus on the Global South let me begin●●●

Analysis Research, News, Resources

Atlas of Utopias: another world is possible, and is already happening

Transformative Cities

  The Atlas of Utopias is a global gallery of inspiring community-led transformation in water, energy and housing.   The atlas features 32 communities from 19 countries who responded to TNI’s Transformative Cities initiative which seeks to learn from cities●●●

Analysis Research, Maps, News, Resources