Unilever: Stop being racist


  To Paul Polman, CEO, Unilever Clean up Kodaikanal to global standards     In 2001, Unilever dumped toxic mercury in the south Indian hill town of Kodaikanal, poisoning its workers and the forest. It took 15 years of campaigning●●●

Analysis Research, Campaigns, News, Take action

Social movements and organizations present at the UN to stop corporate impunity

Radio Mundo Real

    Descargar: MP3 (7.9 MB)   The Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power organized on Thursday in Geneva, Switzerland, an activity in the framework of the United Nations (UN) to insist on the need for the new treaty that allows to●●●

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Ecuador Lawsuit continues to be debated by Shareholders of Chevron – Texaco

Unión de Afectados y Afectadas por las Operaciones de Texaco (UDAPT)

      New CEO of Chevron Michael Wirth continues with the policy of the former top manager John Watson, aiming at avoiding any responsibility in relation to the legal case that the UDAPT has been carrying out against the●●●

Analysis Research, News