Position of the “Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples’ Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power, and End Impunity” in relation to the decision of the Court of Appeals of Ontario, Canada, against UDAPT, obliging it to pay U $ 270,000 to the●●●
End Chevron’s impunity! An International Treaty on Human Rights and Transnational Corporations is Urgently needed!
Global Campaign To Dismantle Corporate POwer and Stop Impunity
Statement submitted by the Global Campaign on 14th June 2018
Global Campaign
Informal consultation on the UN Binding treaty 14th of June 2018 Statement of the Global Campaign Thank you Mr Ambassador for giving me the floor, About the jurisdiction, it is clear that the main reason why we need this●●●
Statement of the Global Campaign submitted at the Informal Consultation convened by the Ecuadorian Mission on behalf of the OEIGWG in Geneva (31st May 2018)
Global Campaign to DIsmantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity
Statement of the Global Campaign Thank you Mr. Ambassador, I speak on behalf of CETIM and the Global Campaign to dismantle corporate power, a global network representing more than 200 movements, organizations, trade unions, peasant organizations,●●●