Statement from ATTAC – Argentina: “We denounce the ideological persecution and the attempt to intimidate us”
ATTAC - Argentina
Declaration of the Global Campaign for the closing of the 4th session of the open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights
Global Campaign
Room XX – Palais des Nations – Geneva – 18 October 2018 Mr. President, The Global Campaign to reclaim peoples’ sovereignty, dismantle corporate power and stop impunity (Global Campaign), an international network of more than 250 members●●●
Civil society united on next steps for IGWG on Transnational Corporations
Global Campaign
Civil society members of the Treaty Alliance, The Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity, and Trade Unions proposal for the Conclusions and Recommendations of the Report of the 4th session of the open-ended intergovernmental working●●●