DOWNLOAD PDF VERSION Chevron’s Impunity in Ecuador: Urgent Call from International Civil Society Press Release December 11, 2020 In solidarity with tens of thousands of people affected by the biggest environmental disaster that has hit the Ecuadorian Amazon, more●●●
Despite Covid-19 limitations civil society drives momentum for the historic UN Treaty on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights.
Global Campaign
PRESS RELEASE DESPITE COVID-19 LIMITATIONS CIVIL SOCIETY DRIVES MOMENTUM FOR THE HISTORIC UN TREATY ON TRANSNATIONALS AND HUMAN RIGHTS 3 November, Geneva The sixth round of negotiations of the United Nations (UN) Open Ended Inter-governmental Working Group (OEIGWG) mandated●●●
Asian Network pushes stronger TNC regulations at the UN amidst pandemic
Global Campaign
28th October 2020 Source: Asia Task Force on the Legally-Binding Instrument (ATF) Amidst the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the negotiations towards a legally binding instrument on transnational corporations and other business enterprises and human rights●●●