The Southern Africa Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power, as part of the Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity (, is organising the Southern Africa Permanent Peoples Tribunal on Transnational Corporations. The first●●●
Coca-Cola’s Second Largest Plant Shuts Production in India
India Resource Center
Plant Flouts Environmental Laws, Operating Without Licenses New Delhi: Coca-Cola’s second largest bottling plant in India has shut production due to pollution violations, the India Resource Center can confirm after a visit to the plant yesterday. The●●●
Via Campesina will join 2016 World Social Forum to strengthen and advance food sovereignty and peasants’ rights
Via Campesina
Several delegates comprising women, men, youth, and representing peasants and migrant agricultural and rural workers from several regions of La Via Campesina, will carry messages of global solidarity and food sovereignty at the 2016 World Social Forum this●●●