Local communities from around the world, and particularly, the global south are saying enough is enough to the corporate plunder of our natural resources. Extractivism – the over-exploitation of natural resources through mining, intensive agriculture, large-scale fishing, logging●●●
PRESS RELEASE – Record number of states attend start of UN negotiations for a treaty on transnational corporations and Human Rights
Global Campaign
16 October 2018, Geneva: The Ground-breaking process aiming to bring transnational corporations to account for their human rights violations is increasingly catching the attention of UN member states delegates, civil society and peoples’ representatives worldwide. Members of parliaments●●●
UN Human Rights Council passes a resolution adopting the peasant rights declaration in Geneva
International Peasant's Movement
(Geneva, September 28, 2018) Seventeen years of long and arduous negotiations later, peasants and other people working in rural areas are only a step away from having a UN Declaration that could defend and protect their rights to land, ●●●