April 17th, 2019 – “The Declaration on Peasants’ Rights should become a political tool for Agrarian Reform and Social Justice”

Global Campaign

  Press Release – La Vía Campesina.   (Harare, April 17th, 2019) Today, April 17th, 2019, the International Day of Peasants’ Struggle, the member organisations of La Via Campesina are reaffirming the Declaration on Peasants’ Rights as a political tool●●●

News, Press Releases, Statements

100+ Organizations Urge the EU Parliament to Remove ExxonMobil’s Lobby Badges

Food & Water Europe

  Brussels — On March 21, the EU Parliament held the first ever public hearing on climate change denial addressing the special role ExxonMobil played in its decades-long campaign to distort the truth about global warming. The impetus for this hearing was a●●●

News, Press Releases

The case of Chevron in the Ecuadorian Amazon: the ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada closes the doors to end impunity

Global Campaign

PRESS RELEASE   April 4 2019   The Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples´ Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and End Impunity regrets the ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada regarding the case of Chevron in the Ecuadorian Amazon, and reaffirms●●●

News, Press Releases