In the framework of the 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council, the Chair-Rapporteur of the Inter-Governmental Working Group in charge of drafting the Binding Treaty on transnational corporations (TNCs) and human rights, the new Ambassador of Ecuador to●●●
We condemn the brutal slaying of Comrade Thulani Maseko and demand justice be served
Southern Africa and the Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power

Cape Town, 25 January 2023 – It is with deep anger and sadness that we learned of the brutal murder of our comrade and friend Thulani Maseko on Saturday, 21 January in Swaziland. Comrade Thulani was shot dead in●●●
UN BINDING TREATY ON TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS: “Liberal democracies” and their allies oppose binding norms; social movements and countries of the Global South strike back
Global Campaign
The 8th session of the United Nations Intergovernmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations (TNCs) and Human Rights (Working Group), responsible for the drafting of a legally binding instrument to regulate the activities of TNCs under international law, was held under●●●