La Vía Campesina supports the National Strike for Peace with Social Justice in Colombia

La Vía Campesina

    (Harare, 25 April 2019) La Vía Campesina stands in support of the organized sectors of Colombian society mobilizing this 25th of April, in a National Peasant, Indigenous, Afro-descendent, Worker and Popular Strike. The strike is being organized to●●●

News, Press Releases

Protest Anglo American’s AGM

London Mining Network

  Anglo American, a London-listed mining company, has caused unimaginable damage to communities and the planet through its disregard for human rights, the environmental devastation caused by its projects, and its neo-colonial policies in Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Chile, South Africa●●●

Events, News, Take action

World March of Women – 24th April, International Day of Feminist Solidarity

World March of Women

  RANA PLAZA IS EVERYWHERE!   In 2013 over 1,000 women died and many others were injured as a result of the collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh, Asia. These women worked in inhumane conditions in exchange for●●●

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