Total in court for human rights violations in Uganda: Historic hearing in France under the duty of vigilance law.

Friends of the Earth

  The first court hearing under the French law on corporate duty of vigilance between Friends of the Earth France, Survie, four Ugandan organizations and the oil giant Total (1) took place on 12 December 2019 at the High Court●●●

News, Press Releases

Consejo de Estado suspende operación de la Drummond en 15 pozos en el Cesar

El Espectador

  El alto tribunal determinó que la multinacional incumplió con la suspensión de las normas que regulan el “fracking”. ¿La razón? Son pozos para la producción de gas en los que se usan técnicas que en ese momento no se●●●

Analysis Research, News, TNC Violations

VIDEO: “Rights for People, Rules for Corporations” – #BindingTreaty

The Democracy Center, Global Justice Now and London Mining Network

  #COP25 can barely break into the news cycle – but the public is well aware by now that business-as-usual is not an option if we are to avert ecological breakdown and move to a fairer, safer and more peaceful●●●

News, Videos & Audios