PHM East and Southern Africa: Corona Virus Statement

Global Campaign

Source: PHM East and Southern Africa, 21 March 2020  


PHM Korea: statement on COVID-19 outbreak and responses in South Korea

Global Campaign

Source: Peoples Health Movement (PHM), 19 March 2020   South Korea (hereafter Korea)’s COVID-19 outbreak and response are still ongoing, and assessment of it is rather hasty. But we share this conditional statement because we think it is our responsibility●●●


Open the Borders! Stop the War on Migrant and Refugee Peoples!

Global Campaign

AN Open Letter to: Ursula von der Leyen, President European Commission,                                                     Charles Michel, President of the European Council                                                               David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament                                                     Responsibles of European Members States   Open the Borders! Stop the War on Migrant●●●

Campaigns, Statements