Death Threats to Activists Show Need to Protect Mining Affected Communities

Global Campaign

Source: AIDC 18th November 2020       As the Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC) we, along with our partner organisations, are disgusted at the continuing death threats being levelled at local activists opposed to destructive ‘developmental’ practices in●●●


Despite Covid-19 limitations civil society drives momentum for the historic UN Treaty on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights.

Global Campaign

PRESS RELEASE DESPITE COVID-19 LIMITATIONS CIVIL SOCIETY DRIVES MOMENTUM FOR THE HISTORIC UN TREATY ON TRANSNATIONALS AND HUMAN RIGHTS 3 November, Geneva   The sixth round of negotiations of the United Nations (UN) Open Ended Inter-governmental Working Group (OEIGWG) mandated●●●

News, Press Releases

Final Statement of the Global Campaign #BindingTreaty

Global Campaign

  Global Campaign Final statement 6th session of the OEIGWG 30 October 2020   The Global Campaign – a global network representing social movements and organizations of affected communities, workers, peasants, women, and indigenous groups, as well as non-government organizations●●●
