Press Release: Iberdrola solar in México

Global Campaign

16 December 2020   Source: A Planeta   A Planeta together with IberTrolas, which have been following Iberdrola for years where its headquarters are located, the Basque Country, together with the Mexican Regional Movement for the Defense of Water and●●●

Information on violations, Press Releases, Resources

Press Release: Urgent Call from International CSO to Ecuador on the Chevron case

Global Campaign

DOWNLOAD PDF VERSION Chevron’s Impunity in Ecuador: Urgent Call from International Civil Society Press Release   December 11, 2020 In solidarity with tens of thousands of people affected by the biggest environmental disaster that has hit the Ecuadorian Amazon, more●●●

Press Releases

Chevron case: Open letter to the President of Ecuador

Global Campaign

Download the PDF Version here   Attn: Mr. Lenin Moreno President of Ecuador   Cc. Mr. Iñigo Salvador Attorney General of Ecuador   Cc. Mr. Luis Gallegos Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador   In defence of the rights of●●●
