#Brumadinho International Press Conference

Global Campaign

18 January 2020 Source: MAB   International Press Conference: Balance of 2 years since #VALE crime in #Brumadinho 22 January 2020   You are all invited to join the International Press Conference “Balance of 2 years since #VALE crime in●●●

News, TNC Violations

31 CSOs demand UN to include CAF in Settlement Database

Global Campaign

18 December 2020   Source: Al-Haq   31 Palestinian & European human rights organisations, networks & trade unions demand Basque company CAF be included in UN settlement database   CAF will expand and operate the Jerusalem Light Rail linking illegal●●●

Campaigns, Statements

Ecuador will appeal the arbitration award that favoured Chevron

Global Campaign

17 December 2020   Source: UDAPT   THE AMAZON THANKS FOR THE MASSIVE WORLDWIDE SUPPORT   The State Attorney General’s Office began the appeal process of the sentence   Quito, December 16, 2020   Nullity of Chevron’s award: The State●●●

Statements, TNC Violations