How to Hold Transnational Corporations Responsible for Human Rights Violations

Dismantle Corporate Power

  Hearing at the European Parliament, Brussels Monday 30th May 2016 – 5 to 8 pm (Room PHS 5B001)   The work of the UN Open Ended Inter-governmental Working Group (OEIGWG) developing a legally binding international instrument on Transnational Corporations●●●

Events, News

Tegucigalpa 13-15 April: International Peoples´ Forum “Berta Caceres lives on”

Dismantle Corporate Power

  Tegucigalpa 13-15 April: International Peoples´ Forum “Berta Caceres lives on”   The situation in Honduras remains very serious. Fear and tension is breathed in the atmosphere since before the assassination of Berta Cáceres, but intimidation, threats and killings continue●●●

Events, News

Pluspetrol Peru and Chevron Ecuador. Impacts on indigenous communities and avenues for access to remedy and justice

Transnational Institute - TNI

  Date 24 November 2015   Time 14:00 – 17:00   Location Transnational Institute, De Wittenstraat 25, 1052 AK Amsterdam   Projects Corporate Power, Environmental Justice     RSVP Here     Public Forum   The oil and gas industry ranks●●●

Events, News