The Global Campaign at the European Summer University for Social Movements (Toulouse)

Dismantle Corporate Power

  25 August: Seminar Transnational corporations, people and the environment: laws to dismantle corporate power. Convened by: Aitec, Attac, les Amis de la Terre France, CCFD -Terre Solidaire, France Amérique Latine, Peuples Solidaires-Action Aid, Transnational Institute (TNI), the Global Campaign●●●

Events, News

International Seminar on Human Rights and Business (organised by HOMA)


  International Seminar on Human Rights and Business (organised by HOMA)   23 – 25th August  

Events, News

Regional Strategy Meeting of the Global Campaign – Strategies to confront jointly corporate power in Latin America and the Carib

Dismantle Corporate Power

  Regional Strategy Meeting of the Global Campaign – Strategies to confront jointly corporate power in Latin America and the Caribbean   22 – 23rd August      

Events, News