#AntiChevron 21 May Global Day > Take Action!

Global Campaign

  21st May, the Global #AntiChevron Day of Action is coming …     The Chevron case in the Ecuadorian Amazon is paradigmatic in the struggle against corporate impunity. It’s also linked to the struggle against ISDS, and for the UN Binding●●●

Events, News

Protest Anglo American’s AGM

London Mining Network

  Anglo American, a London-listed mining company, has caused unimaginable damage to communities and the planet through its disregard for human rights, the environmental devastation caused by its projects, and its neo-colonial policies in Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Chile, South Africa●●●

Events, News, Take action

SIDE EVENT: “Vale in Brumadinho: another crime in the account of the big transnationals” and “Shell in Nigeria: violations of labour rights continue”

Global Campaign

    SIDE EVENT   On the occasion of the 40th session of the Human Rights Council, the Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples′ sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and stop impunity has the pleasure to invite you to a side event●●●

Analysis Research, Events, News