For the economic, political, cultural and environmental sovereignty of our peoples:
let us put an end to the impunity of transnational corporations and corporate capture, let us defend democracy and our rights!
Geopolitical transformations and changes within the capitalist system are consolidating changes in the nature of conflict and the current correlation of forces between peoples, states and corporate power. Eight years after its launch, the Global Campaign re-asserts its vision of the world and reiterates the validity of its raison d’être: to dismantle corporate power as a hegemonic power, put an end to corporate impunity and reclaim the sovereignty of the peoples.
The transformations of capitalism
Neo-liberal globalization driven by the capitalist powers and their transnational corporations (TNCs) has condoned the savage exploitation of the world by the big economic and financial powers. These have gradually taken over our lives and the planet, creating a mantle of impunity through the dismantling of the rule of law, the systematic violation of legislation – protected by the architecture of international trade and investment treaties and contracts that give more rights to “investors” and capital than to peoples. Thus, the rights of the peoples have thus been systematically violated, the earth and its resources destroyed, plundered, contaminated, and popular resistance criminalized. Meanwhile, corporations continue to commit economic and ecological crimes, as well as crimes against people’s lives, with total impunity. Motivated by the desire for endless profit and the imperative to grow at any cost to maximize their profits, transnational corporations evade and avoid paying the taxes, fees and tariffs that constitute the fiscal base of the democratic State. They also promote corruption and try to pit the workers of different regions against each other. This reality takes on a much more dramatic and criminal character when it refers to the forced displacements that not only have local impacts but push entire peoples to flee from poverty – or wars – to struggle for their survival at the risk of everything, even their own lives.
The face and form of corporate power have also been transformed over the decades. Hand in hand with mega all-powerful financial capital, in an increasingly financialized world, large technology, information and communication corporations have consolidated themselves as the new winners, on a par with, or even surpassing, the traditional chemical, pharmaceutical, metallurgical, oil, mining, agricultural and trade industries. The new “platform economy” is pushing more people into flexible and precarious forms of work, in which platforms profit and workers bear the costs and risks. New forms of exploitation overlap with existing ones and spread across the planet and into all sectors of the economy.
Another expression of these transformations is the modality of work used by transnational companies through the use of global value chains. These activities can be carried out by a single company or among several, which are connected in a single geographical location or spread over larger areas. Only 7% of the labor force is registered or recognized; the other 93% is absolutely invisible, working in precarious conditions and without recognition of their rights.
In this scenario, the identification of the protagonists of the corporate world, the successful entrepreneurs, or the new and old “billionaires” coexist with the fragmentation of responsibilities in the corporate decision-making. At the same time that it is possible to identify these new protagonists of today’s capitalism, there is the consolidation of the “corporate veil” resulting from the financialization of the economy and the hyper-accelerated dynamics of mergers and acquisitions, which has meant that individual responsibility for corporate decisions is increasingly left in impunity.
Finally, the transformation of capitalism in recent decades has led to the formation of the neoliberal state, which is presented as the cornerstone of a new expansionary phase of capitalism. This new phase is characterized by the domination of economic power (TNCs, banks, financial institutions, etc.) over political power (governments) through the dismantling of the state apparatus and its capture by the private sector. The objective of this corporate capture is simple: the State, and thus international intergovernmental organizations, must stop interfering in the logic of the market. The aim is to favor the privatization and liberalization of the entire public apparatus in favor of the private sector and put an end to the role of the state as the center of accountable power and decision-making. The state and intergovernmental organizations must only ensure a favorable business and investment climate for capitalist corporations.
Geopolitical transformation
The definitive ascendance of China as a world power, expanding its political and economic influence in the world, is an indisputable reality of the global system. China has become the global factory, world creditor and major international investor, and a technological scientific pole. It is also the first international commercial partner for many governments as it extends its presence to all continents with its weight in the world correlation of forces strongly increases. At the same time, the United States, without abdicating its uncontested military power, is slowly declining in its responsibility as a global hegemon. Unlike in former times, Donald Trump’s United States had turned in on itself, renouncing “multilateralism” and slowing down the pace of negotiations on multilateral trade and investment agreements with the aim of giving priority to the specific defense of its national interests – to a sector of its corporations and to the narrow nationalist constituencies of its population, through bilateral or plurilateral free trade and investment agreements.
The new geopolitical disputes freeze or roll back the status quo of the international governance system. The so-called “crisis of multilateralism” is both an effect and a cause of this geopolitical transformation. The decision to defund the system of multilateralism by the powers that created it, especially the United States, is related to the difficulties perceived in the “democratic” rules that give equal representation to states that are “not equal in fact”. It is posited that this adds to excessive bureaucratization that hampers the implementation of the policies adopted by the system. All this has contributed to an interpretation that gives less relevance to multilateralism and, therefore, to its economic and political maintenance. This political-economic minimization of the UN system will only be reversed by the force and sustained pressure of social movements, sovereign peoples and committed states.
As a replacement, a parallel private multilateralism is under construction – or rather a multistakeholderist approach to global governance – long advocated by the World Economic Forum. The persistent hollowing out of multilateral institutions resulting in their failure to respond to global problems has made it easier for the owners of capital and its organizations (companies, business associations, philanthrocapitalist business foundations, business forums, among others) to create funds, partnerships, “alliances” and other mechanisms to take over the different aspects of global governance outside of government institutions. Education, health, migration, asylum, the seas and many other areas already have seen such private mechanisms emerge to set standards, norms, agendas and public policies. At the same time, the owners of capital are advancing on the formal take-over of decision-making at the UN system through the establishment of a multi-stakeholder governance structures, of which Goal 17 of the SDGs is undoubtedly the starkest example. The co-optation of the international governance system by capital, named as “corporate capture”, has been racing ahead in the last decade and its negative impacts on people’s lives are massive.
Contrary to democratic principles, TNCs usurp institutions and, acting with the complicity of national ruling classes and economic elites, achieve the approval of laws and policies that allow them to continue plundering the wealth of nations and to maintain their predatory relationship with nature. They have blatantly used mechanisms such as Corporate Social Responsibility and voluntary self-regulation frameworks to privatize public policies and rehabilitate their image in the face of growing resistance that what is really needed is a Corporate Social Accountability regime. Additionally, TNC control the large media, as well as new technologies that play a key role in ensuring the continuity of their hegemony through the dissemination of images that present the capitalist model as the only possible path to human needs fulfillment.
Political transformations
We have witnessed the ending of the popularly supported democratic governments in most of Latin America with the coups d’état in Brazil and Bolivia; the election of Donald Trump in the United States, Boris Johnson in the United Kingdom, Victor Orban in Hungary, Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, Narendra Modi in India. Together with the growth of ultra-right wing, neo-conservative and proto-fascist political expressions in various regions of the world, this is bringing us to a scenario hostile to the peoples and their demands for democracy, human rights, peace and social justice. Right-wing populism reaps the fruits of the economic failure of neoliberal globalization to provide well-being for people, while unscrupulously taking advantage and aggressively using digital social networks to proclaim the absolute sovereignty of individualism, the culture of individual entrepreneurship and the progressive breakdown of collective reason, and of social solidarity.
Popular organizations and movements, especially feminist, LGBTQ, trade union, peasant, Indigenous Peoples, migrant, refugee and Afro-descendant communities and organizations, are persecuted and criminalized. But also leftist organizations, including political parties, face strong attacks. There is a firm intention and policy to dismantle organizations, not only at the territorial level, but in general the organizations and movements of the popular classes. In the face of this offensive, which today threatens movements such as the trade union and peasant movements, among others, it is fundamental to be alert and committed to defending the organizational expressions of the popular movements.
2020, a catalyst year for the transformations of global capitalism
The Covid-19 pandemic exposes all the above set of factors in a brutal way: a global health problem like this ought to have a coordinated response from the multilateral system. However, co-opted mainly by the interests of the large transnational health corporations, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has lost its capacity and is made to fail in its task. Instead of a global coordination, responses are again organized nationally, addressing particular vested interests, facilitating the spread of the pandemic and wasting the opportunity for collective efforts to, for example, quickly find a cure and implement massive vaccination all over the world. Health systems have fallen victim to neoliberalism and are increasingly privatized, with access to medicines and testing dependent on the patent system, which limits their access to the select few. All of this is promoted by the World Bank, the WHO itself, and regulated through international trade and investment agreements that protect pharmaceutical companies instead of the general population, frontline workers and public health systems.
What we have done
In recent years, the Global Campaign has fought in different regions to put an end to the impunity of transnational corporations and their advance on territories and peoples’ rights. We have built a binding treaty process within the United Nations, in which our participation has become essential. From the initial proposal, we had the audacity to change the traditional negotiation mechanisms, to knock on the doors of different States and propose profound changes in international relations. Along with many others, we have shown solidarity in the face of the growing corporate driven violence in the territories and against the defenders of the rights of peoples.
We constantly join hundreds of struggles, campaigns, networks, movements and organizations that fight in different ways against the appropriation of people’s destinies and natural heritage. We mobilise against the violation of their rights, the dismantling of democracy and the capture of the State and its reduction to its minimum repressive expression, the privatization of public services, the commodification, privatization, and destruction of common goods and the threat to food sovereignty by transnational corporations and their conglomerates. In every corner of our world we have won important victories. Through the struggle, it has been possible to prevent the realization of projects of the big transnationals and even their expulsion from various countries. The popular political processes that have made it possible to reverse privatizations in different countries of the world are a clear example of what popular struggles can achieve when local, provincial and/or national governments carry forward the popular demands and proposals. Even the struggle against free trade and investment protection agreements has won victories in some regions.
Our strategy
In developing our strategies, we recognize the importance of other major struggles, in which the hegemonic power of TNCs must be confronted: tax, finance, debt. However, we see the need to move into a new phase of mobilization and convergence. We see, at the same time, the emergence of new horizons and a new resistance in several areas of capitalism:
– The world of work – in the real and domestic economy – is facing the 4th Industrial Revolution and the consequences of the global restructuring of work and production.
– In the field of food, the struggle of peasants, agricultural workers and fishing villages have shown the way forward in terms of food sovereignty, including seeds and biodiversity.
– On water issues, many victories have been won, but in the countryside and in the city, water remains a central struggle to ensure the sustainability of life.
– Similarly, in health, education and other public services closely linked to human rights, the battle lines have been drawn to counter the negative consequences of privatization and multistakeholderism.
We need to launch a broad call for new exchanges on the strategies needed to put in place the building blocks of a Global Commons which can be defended by a new militancy for the sovereignty of peoples.
We plan to do this through our Global Campaign, reaching out to other spaces where parallel struggles are taking place; also by taking part in militant struggles such as the land occupations in Latin America, the “Right to Say No to Corporations” in southern Africa, the People’s Barricades in the TNC-free zones in the Philippines, the experiments in municipal and local governments that reject government purchases by TNCs, and the parliamentarians, as well as governments that embrace the need for the Binding Treaty.
We commit ourselves to continue to move forward in dismantling the corporate power of TNCs and building the sovereignty of the people from our organizations and processes, and to this end, we identify strategic transformations:
In relation to the changes of capitalism
Change the institutional framework that guarantees the impunity of this corporate system of production, distribution and consumption. In this sense, fight for the inclusion of popular visions and mechanisms to advance towards social justice in the framework of the UN Treaty on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights, and other global public instruments of control of international private economic activity, including finance and global taxation.
Denounce, block and reverse the ‘corporate capture’ of global governance and move towards real participation of peoples and their organizational expressions in the definition of public policies and global guidelines in the face of systemic problems, such as climate change, global health, migration and food.
Generate forms of production based on solidarity to end the exploitation of life, expressed not only in the extraction of natural heritage, but also of the work and bodies of people, women and men. In the face of global production chains, promote internationalism in solidarity that puts human needs, food sovereignty, work and dignified life at the centre.
Advance in the construction of peace and social justice as a minimum condition for the exercise of democracy, on the road to popular political projects. Armed conflicts, in territories and between nations, are part of the capitalism of death, which feeds on political, racial, religious and natural resource disputes, for the benefit of the arms industry. The defence of peace, democracy and peaceful coexistence between peoples and nations must be an essential part of the global campaign.
With regard to geopolitical changes
Redouble the commitment to multilateralism by advocating the strengthening and democratization of multilateral institutions as legitimate spaces for international negotiation, respect for the sovereignty of peoples and States, in a spirit based on international cooperation, solidarity among peoples and States and the rejection of wars and all types of interference in the internal affairs of States.
Confront the private multilateralism under construction, which, through the corporate capture of States and international intergovernmental spaces, attempts to establish new forms of global governance, instituted ad hoc in favor of corporate interests.
With regard to need geopolitical changes
In order to dismantle the power of the transnational corporations and end their impunity, and thus recover our popular sovereignty, we must put up organized popular resistance to the advance of the reactionary, capitalist, oligarchic, patriarchal, misogynist, racist, xenophobic, religious fundamentalist, and even fascist right throughout the world, and displace these reactionary forces from governments. Thus, it is key to build unity around a popular political project to end the appropriation of TNCs.
It is necessary to defend the territories, but also the rights of the people, their sovereignty and popular political projects. The struggle against the TNCs demands today more than ever to develop, promote and defend a popular political project that allows us to dispute not only the territories, but the political arena from a class, anti-capitalist, anti-racist, feminist, anti-colonial and anti-imperialist perspective
Today, when the transnationals amass and exercise more economic, political and cultural power than many States, even developed ones, and when their power to capture the State and multilateral institutions has reached limits that were until recently unthinkable, popular mobilization is an indispensable condition, but not sufficient if it is not expressed in political force to transform our democracies into truly emancipatory political systems. Only the construction of participatory popular political projects will offer certain possibilities of shielding us – the public and the State – from the various forms of appropriation and “corporate capture”.
We, the undersigned organizations and social movements invite you to join forces and build together this process of mobilization, organization and global campaign against the power of the transnationals and their crimes against humanity and against Mother Earth. We will mobilize a powerful popular movement with a class, social, economic, environmental and gender justice perspective, including a feminist and anti-racist perspective in solidarity and internationalist action for the defense of our rights and democracy. We will build a world free from the power and greed of transnational corporations – much to be done and we are steadily moving in that direction.
Dismantle Corporate Power!
End the Impunity of Transnational Corporations!
List of Sign-Ons:
• Bi-regional Europe-Latin America y the Caribbean Enlazando Alternativas Network
• Blue Planet Project
• CADTM International
• Corporate Accountability International
• FIAN International
• Food and Water Watch
• Friends of the Earth International (FOEI)
• Global Forest Coalition (GFC)
• Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS)
• International Articulation of those Affected by Vale
• International Association of Democratic Lawiers (IADL)
• La Via Campesina International
• People’s Health Movement
• Peace Brigades International
• The International Office for Human Rights Action on Colombia (OIDHACO)
• Transnational Institute – TNI
• World Forum for Alternatives
• World March of Women
• World Rainforest Movement
• African Uranium Alliance, Africa
• American Association of Jurists (AAJ)
• Amigos de la Tierra América Latina y el Caribe – ATALC
• CADTM – AYNA, Americas
• Campaña Justicia Climática, Americas
• Confederación Sindical de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras de las Americas (CSA)
• Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indigenas – CAOI, Andean region
• Focus on the Global South, India/Thailand/Philippines
• Food and Water Watch Europe
• Hemispheric Social Alliance, Americas
• International Alliance of Natural Resources in Africa (IANRA)
• Jubilee South – Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development
• Jubileo Sur Americas
• Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos – PIDDHH, Americas
• Red Lationamericana por el Acceso a Medicamentos
• Red Latinoamericana sobre Deuda, Desarrollo y Derechos – LATINDADD, Americas
• Red Vida
• RIPESS – Europe
• Social Movements for an Alternative Asia (SMAA)
• Southern Africa Faith Communities Environmental Initiative (SAFCEI)
• Third World Network Africa
• Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA)
• Transform!europe
• Transnational Migrant Platform – Europe
• Young Friends of the Earth Europe
• A Seed Japan (Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment and Development)
• Action from Ireland (AFRI)
• ActionAid France-Peuples solidaires
• ACSUR – Las Segovias, Spain
• ALTERNACTIVA – Action for Social Emancipation
• Afrikagrupperna, Sweden
• Asociación de Desarrollo Económico Social, ADES Santa Marta
• Asociación por la Paz y los Derechos Humanos Taula per Mèxic
• Association Internationale de Techniciens, Experts et Chercheurs (AITEC), France
• Alianza Mexicana por la Autodeterminación de los Pueblos – AMAP
• All India Forum of Forest Movement – (AIFFM), India
• Alliance of Progressive Labour, Philippines
• Alternative Information Development Center – AIDC, South Africa
• Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM) – Philippines
• AM-net (APEC Monitor NGO Network)
• Amigas da Terra Brasil
• Amigos de la Tierra (España)
• Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign (Stop the Wall), Palestine
• Arlac, Belgium
• ATTAC Argentina
• ATTAC Austria
• ATTAC France
• ATTAC Germany
• ATTAC Japan
• ATTAC Maroc
• ATTAC Spain
• ATTAC Switzerland
• ATTAC Vlaanderen
• A Seed Japan (Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment and Development)
• BADIL – Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights
• Bench Marks Foundation, South Africa
• Beyond Copenhagen, India
• Biowatch South Africa
• Both ENDS, The Netherlands
• Brazilian Interdisciplinary AIDS Association (ABIA)
• Brazilian Network for the Integration of the Peoples (REBRIP), Brazil
• Campaña de Afectados por Repsol – Catalunya
• Campaña Explotación a Precio de Saldo, Spain
• Campaña Mesoamericana Para la Justicia Climática, El Salvador
• Censat Agua Viva – Amigos de la Tierra Colombia
• Centro de Derechos Económicos y Sociales (CDES) – Ecuador
• Centro de Documentación e Información Bolivia (CEDIB)
• Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina
• Centre Europe Tiers Monde (CETIM), Switzerland
• Centre for Natural Resource Governance, Zimbabwe
• Centre for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD), Zambia
• Centre for the Development of Women and Children (CDWC), Zimbabwe
• Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos “Segundo Montes Mozo S.J.” (CSMM), Ecuador
• Centro de Estudios para la Justicia Social Tierra Digna, Colombia
• Centro de Investigación y Documentación Chile-América Latina – FDCL, Germany
• Centro de Investigaciones e Información en Desarrollo (CIID), Guatemala
• Centro Sociojurídico para la Defensa Territorial SIEMBRA, Colômbia
• Center for Applied Legal Studies (CALS), South Africa
• CIVICUS, South Africa
• COECOCeiba, Costa Rica
• Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo – CCAJAR, Colombia
• Colectivo de Mujeres Hondureñas (CODEMUH), Honduras
• Collectif BreakFree, Switzerland
• Colibri, Germany
• Col-lectiu de Respostes a les Transnacionals (RETS), Catalunya, Spain
• Comision Interclesial de Justicia y Paz, Colombia
• Comisión Nacional de Enlace (CNE), Costa Rica
• Comité por los Derechos Humanos en América Latina (CDHAL), Canada
• Comité Permanente por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos (CDH)
• Comité pour le respect des droits humains “Daniel Gillard”
• Commission for Filipino Migrant Workers – International Office, Philippines
• Common Frontiers, Canada
• Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT)
• Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT France)
• CooperAcció, Spain
• Coordinación por los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas (CODPI), Spain
• Coordinadora Estatal de Comercio Justo en España
• Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), Belgium
• Council of Canadians, Canada
• Cristianos de Base, Spain
• Democracy Center, Bolivia
• Derechos Humanos sin Fronteras, Perú
• Diálogo 2000 – Jubileo Sur Argentina
• Eastern and Soutern Africa Farmers Forum (ESAFF), Zambia
• ECOAR))), Spain
• EcoDoc Africa
• Ecologistas en Acción-Ekologistak Martxan – Ecologistes en Acció, Spain
• ¿Economía Verde? ¡Futuro Imposible! – Alianza por una alternativa ecológica, social y urgente al capitalismo, Spain
• Economic Justice Network of FOCCISA, South Africa
• ELA Euskal Sindikatua, Euskal Herria / Basque Country
• Enginyeria sense Fronteras, Catalonia
• Entrepueblos, Spain
• Environmental Monitoring Group, South Africa
• Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth Nigeria
• Federation of Organs for Social and Educational Assistance (FASE), Brazil
• Federació de Associacions Veinals de Mataró (FAVM), Catalunya
• Foro Ciudadano de Participación por la Justicia y los Derechos Humanos (FOCO), Argentina
• France Amérique Latine – FAL, France
• Fresh Eyes- People to People Travel
• Friends of the Earth, France
• Friends of the Earth, Japan
• Friends of the Earth, Scotland
• Friends of the Earth, Finland
• Friends of the Landless, Finland
• Fundación de Estudios para la Aplicación del Derecho (FESPAD) – El Salvador
• Fundación para la Cooperación APY – Solidaridad en Acción, España
• Fundación Solon, Bolivia
• Fundación de Investigaciones Sociales y políticas – FISYP, Argentina
• Global Economy Project
• Global Justice Now/ Attac UK
• Grassroots Global Justice, USA
• Grassroots International, USA
• Groundwork, Friends of the Earth South Africa
• Groupe de recherche pour une stratégie économique alternative (GRESEA) – Mirador, Belgium
• Hegoa, Instituto de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo y la Cooperación Internacional del País Vasco, Basque Country
• HEÑÓI, Centro de Estudios y Promoción de la Democracia, los Derechos Humanos y la Sostenibilidad Socioambiental (Paraguay)
• HOMA Center for Business and Human Rightswork
• IBASE – Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e Econômicas
• Indonesia for Global Justice, Indonesia
• India FDI Watch, India
• Indian Social Action Forum – INSAF, India
• Ingeníeria Sin Fronteras, Asturias
• Innovations for Change, Nigeria
• Instituto de Ciencias Alejandro Lipschutz – ICAL, Chile
• Instituto Eqüit – Gênero, Economia e Cidadania Global, Brasil
• Instituto Mais Democracia, Brasil
• Institute for Socioeconomic Studies (INESC)
• Instituto Latinoamericano para una sociedad y un derecho alternativo – ILSA, Colombia
• Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) – Global Economy Project
• Janpahal, India
• Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC)
• Jordens Vänner / Friends of the Earth Sweden
• Jubilee Debt Campaign
• Justiça Ambiental, Mozambique (Friends of the Earth Mozambique)
• Justiça Global, Brasil
• Justicia i Pau
• Koalisi Anti Utang (KAU) – Anti Debt Colition, Indonesia
• KRuHA, Indonesia
• Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR), South Africa
• La Via Campesina Africa 1, Mozambique
• LAB Euskal Herria/País Vasco
• Laboratorio de Investigación en Desarrollo Comunitario y Sustentabilidad de México
• Labour Research Service – LRS, South Africa
• Legal Resources Centre
• Mahlathini Organics, South Africa
• Marcha Mundial de Mujeres Chile – Colectivo VientoSur
• Mesa Nacional frente a Minería Metálica, El Salvador
• Milieu Defensie – Friends of the Earth, Netherlands
• Mining Affected Communities United in Action (MACUA), South Africa
• MiningWatch Canada
• Movimiento por la Defensa del Agua, la Tierra y el Medioambiente, MODATIMA, Chile
• Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens (MAB), Brazil
• Movimiento Rios Vivos, Colombia
• Movimiento Social Nicaraguense – Otro Mundo Es Posible, Nicaragua
• Multiwatch, Switzerland
• National Garment Workers Federation (NGWF), Bangladesh
• Naturefriends Greece
• North East Peoples Alliance, India
• Northern Alliance for Sustainability (ANPED), Belgium
• NOVACT, Spain
• Observatorio de la Deuda en la Globalización – ODG, Spain
• Observatorio de Multinacionales en America Latina – OMAL, Spain
• Observatorio Petrolero Sur (OPSur), Argentina
• Otramerica, Paraguay
• Pacific Asia Resource Centre (PARC)
• PACS – Instituto Políticas Alternativas para o Cone Sul, Brazil
• Palenke del Alto Cauca – PCN, Colombia
• Partido de la Rifondazione Comunista/Izquierda Europea, Italia
• Pax Romana, Switzerland
• Pensamiento Acción Social (PAS)
• Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement – PRRM, Philippines
• Plataforma Alternativa para el Desarrollo de Haití (Papda)
• Plataforma DHESC, Brazil
• Plataforma Rural – Alianza por un Mundo Rural Vivo, Spain
• Polaris Institute, Canada
• REBRIP – Brazilian Network for the Integration of the Peoples, Brazil
• Recalca, Colombia
• Red Internacional de Derechos Humanos (RIDH), Switzerland
• Red Mexicana de Acción frente al Libre Comercio – RMALC, Mexico
• Red Muqui Sur, Peru
• Red Nacional Genero y Economía Mujeres para el Diálogo, AC, Mexico
• Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos, Brazil
• REDES – Amigos de la Tierra Uruguay
• Revuelta verde/Rising Tide, Mexico
• RSE – Benin
• SEATINI, Zimbabwe
• SETEM, Catalonia
• SIEMBRA, AC, Mexico
• Sindicato de Trabajadoras de la Enseñanza de Euskalherria – STEE-EILAS, Basque Country
• Soldepaz Pachakuti, Spain
• Solidaires
• Solidaridad Suecia – America Latina (SAL) / Latinamerikagrupperna, Sweden
• Solifonds, Switzerland
• SOMO – Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations, Netherlands
• SOPRODE – Solidarité pour la Protection des Droits de l’Enfant, République Démocratique du Congo
• South African and Allied Workers Union – SATAWU, South Africa
• South African Water Caucus – SAWC, South Africa
• South Asian Dialogues on Ecological Democracyú
• South Durban Community Environmental Alliance, South Africa
• Southern Africa Green Revolutionary Council (SAGRC)
• Spaces for Change (S4C), Nigeria
• Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior – SACOM, Hong Kong, China
• Sustaining the Wild Coast (SWC)
• Swiss Working Group on Colombia
• Peace Brigades – Switzerland
• Tanzania Trade and Investment Coalition – TATIC
• Terra de Direitos, Brazil
• Tierra Nativa, Amigos de la Tierra Argentina
• Toxics Watch Alliance – TWA, India
• Trust for Community Outreach and Education – TCOE, South Africa
• Unidad Ecologica Salvadoreña – UNES, El Salvador
• Unión de Afectados y Afectadas por la Operaciones de Texaco – Ecuador
• UNISON, United Kingdom
• Veterinarios sin Fronteras, Spain
• War on Want, England
• Xingu Vivo para Sempre, Brazil
• XUMEX – Derechos humanos, Argentina
Available in: Greek