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Brazil: Civil society calls on environmental commission not to grant operating license to TKCSA for operating illegally & human rights abuses

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre


Brazil STOP TKCSA campaign_credit_campanha Pare TKCSA_



Document signed by 18 civil society organizations was sent to the State Commission for Environmental Control (Comissão Estadual de Controle Ambiental-Ceca) on 21 September 2016 not to grant an operating license ThyssenKrupp Companhia Siderúrgica do Atlântico (TKCSA) before there is a final judicial decision. The company has been operating since 2010 without an operating license, only through agreements such as the Termo de Ajustamento de Conduta and an Environmental Operation Authorization. The affected communities have since then been reporting several human rights violations such as land, water and air contamination, pollution that affects the health of residents, environmental abuses, broken promises by the company. More information about the Stop TKCSA campaign can be found here (in Portuguese). If other organizations want to support the cause, please, send an email to: 


To read this story in Portuguese, please, click here.





Brazil: Treliça video tells the story of people affected by TKCSA in Santa Cruz


Author: Instituto PACS – Políticas Alternativas para o Cone Sul (Brazil)


“Treliça”, 30 March 2016


[Watch the video and learn about the history of the struggle of the people of Santa Cruz against TKCSA]